11:44:43 AM: Netlify Build
11:44:43 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
11:44:43 AM: @netlify/build 29.55.2
11:44:43 AM: accountId: 5c75a043ab13db32fd49cc45
11:44:43 AM: baseRelDir: true
11:44:43 AM: buildId: 6714ed0929722c000896fa43
11:44:43 AM: deployId: 6714ed0929722c000896fa45
11:44:43 AM: ❯ Current directory
11:44:43 AM: /opt/build/repo
11:44:43 AM: ❯ Config file
11:44:43 AM: No config file was defined: using default values.
11:44:43 AM: deploy-preview
11:44:43 AM: Build command from Netlify app
11:44:43 AM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
11:44:43 AM: $ yarn build && yarn dist
11:44:44 AM: yarn run v1.22.10
11:44:44 AM: 🏃 [build] Running command "tsc --build"
11:44:46 AM: ✅ [build] Executed successfully
11:44:46 AM: 🏁 [metrics] Executed 1 script(s) in 2.60 seconds
11:44:46 AM: Ran : 1 (100%)
11:44:46 AM: Skipped (fresh) : 0 (0%)
11:44:46 AM: Restored from cache : 0 (0%)
11:44:46 AM: Done in 2.75s.
11:44:47 AM: yarn run v1.22.10
11:44:47 AM: 🏃 [analyze:fixtures] Running command "node scripts/workspaces-scripts-bin.js analyze fixtures"
11:44:47 AM: 🏃 [clean] Running command "rimraf _site"
11:44:47 AM: 🏃 [analyze] Running command "node scripts/workspaces-scripts-bin.js analyze"
11:44:47 AM: ✅ [clean] Executed successfully
11:44:47 AM: [lit] $ cem analyze --litelement --globs 'src/*.ts'
11:44:47 AM: [api-demo] $ cem analyze --litelement --globs 'src/*.ts'
11:44:47 AM: [api-viewer] $ cem analyze --litelement --globs 'src/*.ts'
11:44:47 AM: [api-viewer] $ cem analyze --litelement --globs 'src/*.ts'
11:44:48 AM: [lit] [11:44:48 AM] @custom-elements-manifest/analyzer: Created new manifest.
11:44:48 AM: [api-viewer] [11:44:48 AM] @custom-elements-manifest/analyzer: Created new manifest.
11:44:48 AM: [api-docs] [11:44:48 AM] @custom-elements-manifest/analyzer: Created new manifest.
11:44:48 AM: [api-demo] [11:44:48 AM] @custom-elements-manifest/analyzer: Created new manifest.
11:44:48 AM: [lit] cd /opt/build/repo/fixtures/lit && yarn analyze exited with code 0
11:44:48 AM: [api-viewer] cd /opt/build/repo/packages/api-viewer && yarn analyze exited with code 0
11:44:48 AM: Successfully executed command analyze for packages: lit
11:44:48 AM: [api-docs] cd /opt/build/repo/packages/api-docs && yarn analyze exited with code 0
11:44:48 AM: ✅ [analyze:fixtures] Executed successfully
11:44:48 AM: [api-demo] cd /opt/build/repo/packages/api-demo && yarn analyze exited with code 0
11:44:48 AM: Successfully executed command analyze for packages: api-demo, api-docs, api-viewer
11:44:48 AM: 🏃 [fixtures] Running command "cp fixtures/**/custom-elements.json docs/assets"
11:44:48 AM: ✅ [analyze] Executed successfully
11:44:48 AM: ✅ [fixtures] Executed successfully
11:44:48 AM: 🏃 [dist] Running command "rocket build && cp docs/assets/* _site/assets"
11:44:49 AM: Rocket executes buildCommand of RocketBuild
11:44:50 AM: Copied 68 files / Wrote 16 files in 1.71 seconds (106.9ms each, v0.11.1)
11:44:50 AM: Search index written to _site-dev/_merged_assets/_static/rocket-search-index.json - 86701 bytes
11:44:51 AM: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
11:44:51 AM: npx browserslist@latest --update-db
11:44:57 AM: (replace plugin) @rollup/plugin-replace: 'preventAssignment' currently defaults to false. It is recommended to set this option to `true`, as the next major version will default this option to `true`.
11:44:59 AM: 👀 Checking if all internal links work...
11:44:59 AM: 🔥 Found a total of 16 files to check!
11:44:59 AM: 🔗 Found a total of 943 links to validate!
11:44:59 AM: ✅ All internal links are valid. (executed in 0s 214.769063ms)
11:44:59 AM: ✅ [dist] Executed successfully
11:44:59 AM: 🏁 [metrics] Executed 5 script(s) in 12.11 seconds
11:44:59 AM: Ran : 5 (100%)
11:44:59 AM: Skipped (fresh) : 0 (0%)
11:44:59 AM: Restored from cache : 0 (0%)
11:44:59 AM: Done in 12.29s.
11:44:59 AM: (build.command completed in 15.4s)
11:44:59 AM: (Netlify Build completed in 16s)
11:45:00 AM: Section completed: building
11:45:05 AM: Finished processing build request in 45.379s