Deploy details
Deploy successful for astro-digital-garden
Branch Deploy: TOC@HEAD
Deploy summary
1 plugin ran successfully
Build time: 1m 6s. Total deploy time: 1m 6s
Deploy log
2:58:44 PM: Build ready to start
2:58:57 PM: build-image version: fcb0c1b3ada6d25c1cb58e8bc514f5f23cc14f15 (focal)
2:58:57 PM: buildbot version: b6516ff84a8eec66d848f48c9e6b386390361fe6
2:58:57 PM: Building without cache
2:58:57 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
2:58:57 PM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
2:58:57 PM: git clone --filter=blob:none
2:58:57 PM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/TOC
2:59:00 PM: Starting to install dependencies
2:59:04 PM: Python version set to 3.8
2:59:04 PM: Attempting Ruby version 2.7.2, read from environment
2:59:05 PM: Using Ruby version 2.7.2
2:59:05 PM: Started restoring cached go cache
2:59:05 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache
2:59:07 PM: go version go1.19.13 linux/amd64
2:59:07 PM: Using PHP version 8.0
2:59:09 PM: Downloading and installing node v18.19.1...
2:59:09 PM: Downloading
2:59:09 PM: Computing checksum with sha256sum
2:59:09 PM: Checksums matched!
2:59:12 PM: Now using node v18.19.1 (npm v10.2.4)
2:59:12 PM: Enabling Node.js Corepack
2:59:12 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins
2:59:12 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
2:59:12 PM: Started restoring cached corepack dependencies
2:59:12 PM: Finished restoring cached corepack dependencies
2:59:13 PM: Installing npm packages using pnpm version 8.14.1
2:59:13 PM: Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped
2:59:13 PM: Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
2:59:14 PM: Packages: +735
2:59:14 PM: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2:59:14 PM: Progress: resolved 735, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
2:59:15 PM: Progress: resolved 735, reused 0, downloaded 314, added 296
2:59:16 PM: Progress: resolved 735, reused 0, downloaded 662, added 662
2:59:17 PM: Progress: resolved 735, reused 0, downloaded 734, added 734
2:59:18 PM: Progress: resolved 735, reused 0, downloaded 735, added 735, done
2:59:18 PM: .../@fortawesome/fontawesome-free postinstall$ node attribution.js
2:59:18 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install$ node install.js
2:59:18 PM: .../@fortawesome/fontawesome-free postinstall: Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome -
2:59:18 PM: .../@fortawesome/fontawesome-free postinstall: License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
2:59:18 PM: .../@fortawesome/fontawesome-free postinstall: Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc.
2:59:18 PM: .../@fortawesome/fontawesome-free postinstall: Done
2:59:18 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: Downloading Chromium 123.0.6312.4 (playwright build v1105) from
2:59:18 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: | | 0% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:19 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■ | 10% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:19 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 20% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:19 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 30% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:19 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 40% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:20 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 50% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:20 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 60% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:20 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 70% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:20 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 80% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:20 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 90% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:21 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■| 100% of 154.7 MiB
2:59:23 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: Chromium 123.0.6312.4 (playwright build v1105) downloaded to /opt/buildhome/.cache/ms-playwright/chromium-1105
2:59:23 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: Downloading FFMPEG playwright build v1009 from
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: | | 0% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■ | 10% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 20% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 30% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 40% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 50% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 60% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 70% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 80% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ | 90% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■| 100% of 2.6 MiB
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: FFMPEG playwright build v1009 downloaded to /opt/buildhome/.cache/ms-playwright/ffmpeg-1009
2:59:24 PM: .../node_modules/playwright-chromium install: Done
2:59:24 PM: .../esbuild@0.19.12/node_modules/esbuild postinstall$ node install.js
2:59:24 PM: .../esbuild@0.20.2/node_modules/esbuild postinstall$ node install.js
2:59:24 PM: .../esbuild@0.19.12/node_modules/esbuild postinstall: Done
2:59:24 PM: .../esbuild@0.20.2/node_modules/esbuild postinstall: Done
2:59:24 PM: .../sharp@0.33.2/node_modules/sharp install$ node install/check
2:59:27 PM: .../sharp@0.33.2/node_modules/sharp install: Done
2:59:27 PM: .../sharp@0.32.6/node_modules/sharp install$ (node install/libvips && node install/dll-copy && prebuild-install) || (node install/can-compile && node-gyp rebuild && node install/dll-copy)
2:59:27 PM: .../node_modules/better-sqlite3 install$ prebuild-install || node-gyp rebuild --release
2:59:28 PM: .../node_modules/better-sqlite3 install: Done
2:59:29 PM: .../sharp@0.32.6/node_modules/sharp install: sharp: Downloading
2:59:29 PM: .../sharp@0.32.6/node_modules/sharp install: sharp: Integrity check passed for linux-x64
2:59:29 PM: .../sharp@0.32.6/node_modules/sharp install: Done
2:59:30 PM: dependencies:
2:59:30 PM: + @astrojs/check 0.5.9
2:59:30 PM: + @astrojs/markdown-remark 4.3.1
2:59:30 PM: + @astrojs/starlight 0.21.2
2:59:30 PM: + @braindb/core 0.0.7
2:59:30 PM: + @floating-ui/dom 1.6.3
2:59:30 PM: + @stereobooster/remark-wiki-link 2.0.1
2:59:30 PM: + @types/react 18.2.67
2:59:30 PM: + astro 4.5.8
2:59:30 PM: + github-slugger 2.0.0
2:59:30 PM: + graphology 0.25.4
2:59:30 PM: + graphology-layout 0.6.1
2:59:30 PM: + graphology-layout-forceatlas2 0.10.1
2:59:30 PM: + graphology-svg 0.1.3
2:59:30 PM: + graphology-utils 2.5.2
2:59:30 PM: + katex 0.16.9
2:59:30 PM: + netlify-plugin-playwright-cache 0.0.1
2:59:30 PM: + playwright 1.42.1
2:59:30 PM: + playwright-chromium 1.42.1
2:59:30 PM: + rehype-autolink-headings 7.1.0
2:59:30 PM: + rehype-external-links 3.0.0
2:59:30 PM: + rehype-katex 7.0.0
2:59:30 PM: + rehype-mermaid 2.1.0
2:59:30 PM: + rehype-raw 7.0.0
2:59:30 PM: + rehype-shikiji 0.10.2
2:59:30 PM: + remark-math 6.0.0
2:59:30 PM: + remark-mermaidjs 6.0.0
2:59:30 PM: + sharp 0.33.2
2:59:30 PM: + svg-pan-zoom 3.6.1
2:59:30 PM: + typescript 5.4.3
2:59:30 PM: Done in 16.9s
2:59:30 PM: npm packages installed using pnpm
2:59:30 PM: Successfully installed dependencies
2:59:31 PM: Starting build script
2:59:34 PM: Detected 1 framework(s)
2:59:34 PM: "astro" at version "4.5.8"
2:59:34 PM: Section completed: initializing
2:59:35 PM: Netlify Build
2:59:35 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:59:35 PM:
2:59:35 PM: ❯ Version
2:59:35 PM: @netlify/build 29.36.5
2:59:35 PM:
2:59:35 PM: ❯ Flags
2:59:35 PM: baseRelDir: true
2:59:35 PM: buildId: 65fc4b249fbbea2c4afdfdf1
2:59:35 PM: deployId: 65fc4b249fbbea2c4afdfdf3
2:59:35 PM:
2:59:35 PM: ❯ Current directory
2:59:35 PM: /opt/build/repo
2:59:35 PM:
2:59:35 PM: ❯ Config file
2:59:35 PM: /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml
2:59:35 PM:
2:59:35 PM: ❯ Context
2:59:35 PM: branch-deploy
2:59:36 PM:
2:59:36 PM: ❯ Loading plugins
2:59:36 PM: - netlify-plugin-playwright-cache@0.0.1 from netlify.toml and package.json
2:59:37 PM:
2:59:37 PM: netlify-plugin-playwright-cache (onPreBuild event)
2:59:37 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:59:37 PM:
2:59:37 PM: Cache Location /opt/buildhome/.cache/ms-playwright
2:59:37 PM:
2:59:37 PM: (netlify-plugin-playwright-cache onPreBuild completed in 8ms)
2:59:37 PM:
2:59:37 PM: Build command from Netlify app
2:59:37 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2:59:37 PM:
2:59:37 PM: $ pnpm run build
2:59:37 PM: > digital-garden@0.0.1 build /opt/build/repo
2:59:37 PM: > astro check && astro build
2:59:39 PM: Unresolved link: /recipes/
2:59:40 PM: 14:59:40 Types generated 411ms
2:59:40 PM: 14:59:40 [check] Getting diagnostics for Astro files in /opt/build/repo...
2:59:45 PM: Result (25 files):
2:59:45 PM: - 0 errors
2:59:45 PM: - 0 warnings
2:59:45 PM: - 0 hints
2:59:45 PM:
2:59:47 PM: Unresolved link: /recipes/
2:59:47 PM: 14:59:47 [build] output: "static"
2:59:47 PM: 14:59:47 [build] directory: /opt/build/repo/dist/
2:59:47 PM: 14:59:47 [build] Collecting build info...
2:59:47 PM: 14:59:47 [build] ✓ Completed in 598ms.
2:59:47 PM: 14:59:47 [build] Building static entrypoints...
2:59:58 PM: 14:59:58 [vite] ✓ built in 11.06s
2:59:58 PM: 14:59:58 [build] ✓ Completed in 11.10s.
2:59:58 PM: building client (vite)
2:59:58 PM: 14:59:58 [vite] transforming...
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] ✓ 42 modules transformed.
2:59:59 PM: Generated an empty chunk: "Alphabetical.astro_astro_type_script_index_0_lang".
2:59:59 PM: Generated an empty chunk: "TagList.astro_astro_type_script_index_0_lang".
2:59:59 PM: Generated an empty chunk: "Graph.astro_astro_type_script_index_1_lang".
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] rendering chunks...
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] computing gzip size...
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] dist/_astro/Alphabetical.astro_astro_type_script_index_0_lang.l0sNRNKZ.js 0.00 kB │ gzip: 0.02 kB
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] dist/_astro/TagList.astro_astro_type_script_index_0_lang.l0sNRNKZ.js 0.00 kB │ gzip: 0.02 kB
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] dist/_astro/Graph.astro_astro_type_script_index_1_lang.l0sNRNKZ.js 0.00 kB │ gzip: 0.02 kB
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] dist/_astro/Graph.astro_astro_type_script_index_0_lang.CBSM3Vxs.js 0.42 kB │ gzip: 0.26 kB
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] dist/_astro/Tabs.astro_astro_type_script_index_0_lang.BqK4QFew.js 0.97 kB │ gzip: 0.48 kB
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] dist/_astro/page.CZ0TFQCk.js 2.25 kB │ gzip: 0.99 kB
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] dist/_astro/hoisted.BxSJ35ek.js 50.72 kB │ gzip: 16.31 kB
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] dist/_astro/ui-core.CkGLXjxt.js 57.18 kB │ gzip: 19.00 kB
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 [vite] ✓ built in 340ms
2:59:59 PM: generating static routes
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 λ astro-expressive-code/routes/styles.ts
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 └─ /_astro/ec.d6kn2.css (+5ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 λ astro-expressive-code/routes/scripts.ts
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 └─ /_astro/ec.dy9ns.js (+1ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ▶ @astrojs/starlight/404.astro
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 └─ /404.html (+46ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ▶ @astrojs/starlight/index.astro
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /alphabetical/index.htmlUnresolved link: /recipes/
2:59:59 PM: (+103ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /graph/index.html (+98ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /index.html (+18ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recent/index.html (+62ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/alphabetical-index/index.html (+31ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/anchors-for-headings/index.html (+25ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/backlinks/index.html (+28ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/braindb/index.html (+25ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/content-graph-visualization/index.html (+22ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/detect-broken-links/index.html (+18ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/diagrams-support-in-markdown/index.html (+21ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/faceted-search/index.html (+19ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/icons-to-external-links/index.html (+24ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/last-modified-time/index.html (+23ms)
2:59:59 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/lazy-embeded-videos/index.html (+17ms)
3:00:00 PM: 14:59:59 ├─ /recipes/link-previews/index.html (+16ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ├─ /recipes/math-support-in-markdown/index.html (+17ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ├─ /recipes/recently-changed-pages/index.html (+30ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ├─ /recipes/search-for-static-website/index.html (+23ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ├─ /recipes/seo-and-smo-meta-tags/index.html (+22ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ├─ /recipes/social-images-autogenration/index.html (+22ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ├─ /recipes/sortable-tables/index.html (+28ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ├─ /recipes/svg-pan-zoom/index.html (+18ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ├─ /recipes/table-of-contents/index.html (+16ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ├─ /recipes/tag-list/index.html (+20ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ├─ /recipes/wikilinks/index.html (+17ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 └─ /tags/index.html (+19ms)
3:00:00 PM: 15:00:00 ✓ Completed in 875ms.
3:00:00 PM:
3:00:01 PM: Running Pagefind v1.0.4 (Extended)
3:00:01 PM: Running from: "/opt/build/repo/node_modules/.pnpm/@astrojs+starlight@0.21.2_astro@4.5.8/node_modules/@astrojs/starlight"
3:00:01 PM: Source: "../../../../../../dist"
3:00:01 PM: Output: "../../../../../../dist/pagefind"
3:00:01 PM: [Walking source directory]
3:00:01 PM: Found 28 files matching **/*.{html}
[Parsing files]
Found a data-pagefind-body element on the site.
[Parsing files]
Found a data-pagefind-body element on the site.
3:00:01 PM: ↳ Ignoring pages without this tag.
3:00:01 PM: [Reading languages]
3:00:01 PM: Discovered 1 language: en
3:00:01 PM: [Building search indexes]
3:00:01 PM: Total:
3:00:01 PM: Indexed 1 language
3:00:01 PM: Indexed 27 pages
3:00:01 PM: Indexed 1003 words
3:00:01 PM: Indexed 0 filters
3:00:01 PM: Indexed 0 sorts
3:00:01 PM: Finished in 0.121 seconds
3:00:01 PM: 15:00:01 [@astrojs/sitemap] `sitemap-index.xml` created at `dist`
3:00:01 PM: 15:00:01 [build] 28 page(s) built in 14.10s
3:00:01 PM: 15:00:01 [build] Complete!
3:00:01 PM:
3:00:01 PM: (build.command completed in 24.2s)
3:00:01 PM:
3:00:01 PM: netlify-plugin-playwright-cache (onPostBuild event)
3:00:01 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
3:00:01 PM:
3:00:02 PM:
3:00:02 PM: (netlify-plugin-playwright-cache onPostBuild completed in 792ms)
3:00:02 PM:
3:00:03 PM: (Netlify Build completed in 27s)
3:00:23 PM: Section completed: building
3:00:37 PM: Finished processing build request in 1m40.251s
3:00:02 PM: Deploy site
3:00:02 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
3:00:02 PM:
3:00:02 PM: Starting to deploy site from "dist"
3:00:02 PM: Calculating files to upload
3:00:02 PM: 34 new files to upload
3:00:02 PM: 0 new functions to upload
3:00:02 PM: Section completed: deploying
3:00:02 PM: Site deploy was successfully initiated
3:00:02 PM:
3:00:02 PM: (Deploy site completed in 676ms)
3:00:03 PM: Netlify Build Complete
3:00:03 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
3:00:03 PM:
3:00:03 PM: Caching artifacts
3:00:03 PM: Started saving node modules
3:00:03 PM: Finished saving node modules
3:00:03 PM: Started saving build plugins
3:00:03 PM: Finished saving build plugins
3:00:03 PM: Started saving corepack cache
3:00:03 PM: Finished saving corepack cache
3:00:03 PM: Started saving pnpm cache
3:00:03 PM: Finished saving pnpm cache
3:00:03 PM: Started saving pip cache
3:00:03 PM: Finished saving pip cache
3:00:03 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
3:00:03 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
3:00:03 PM: Started saving maven dependencies
3:00:03 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies
3:00:03 PM: Started saving boot dependencies
3:00:03 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies
3:00:03 PM: Started saving rust rustup cache
3:00:03 PM: Finished saving rust rustup cache
3:00:03 PM: Started saving go dependencies
3:00:03 PM: Finished saving go dependencies
3:00:23 PM: Build script success
3:00:35 PM: Uploading Cache of size 394.4MB
3:00:37 PM: Section completed: cleanup
3:00:03 PM: Site is live ✨
3:00:03 PM: Starting post processing
3:00:03 PM: Skipping form detection
3:00:03 PM: Post processing - header rules
3:00:03 PM: Post processing - redirect rules
3:00:03 PM: Post processing done
3:00:03 PM: Section completed: postprocessing