6:30:29 PM: Netlify Build
6:30:29 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
6:30:29 PM: @netlify/build 29.59.2
6:30:29 PM: accountId: 5d06618a6e336dabba83ba25
6:30:29 PM: baseRelDir: true
6:30:29 PM: buildId: 67c2006ea13d740008cb565f
6:30:29 PM: deployId: 67c2006ea13d740008cb5661
6:30:29 PM: ❯ Current directory
6:30:29 PM: /opt/build/repo
6:30:29 PM: ❯ Config file
6:30:29 PM: /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml
6:30:29 PM: deploy-preview
6:30:29 PM: ❯ Loading plugins
6:30:29 PM: - @netlify/plugin-gatsby@3.8.2 from Netlify app
6:30:31 PM: Found a Gatsby cache. We’re about to go FAST. ⚡️
6:30:31 PM: build.command from netlify.toml
6:30:31 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
6:30:31 PM: $ npm run build-ci
6:30:31 PM: > the-coding-train@1.0.0 build-ci
6:30:31 PM: > node node-scripts/generate-challenges-redirects && node node-scripts/generate-youtube-redirects && npm run tags-transforms && npm run build
6:30:31 PM: 191 challenges redirects were appended to './static/_redirects'
6:30:32 PM: 517 YouTube redirects were generated.
6:30:32 PM: > the-coding-train@1.0.0 tags-transforms
6:30:32 PM: > node node-scripts/tags-transforms
6:30:32 PM: 41 of 458 video JSON files were modified to transform language and topic tags
6:30:32 PM: > the-coding-train@1.0.0 build
6:30:32 PM: > gatsby build --verbose
6:30:32 PM: verbose 0.31133216 set gatsby_log_level: "verbose"
6:30:32 PM: verbose 0.312470247 set gatsby_executing_command: "build"
6:30:32 PM: verbose 0.312952857 loading local command from: /opt/build/repo/node_modules/gatsby/dist/commands/build.js
6:30:34 PM: verbose 1.401929926 running command: build
6:30:34 PM: verbose 1.403244363 Running build in "production" environment
6:30:36 PM: success compile gatsby files - 2.089s
6:30:36 PM: success load gatsby config - 0.083s
6:30:36 PM: success load plugins - 0.369s
6:30:37 PM:
warning gatsby-plugin-react-helmet: Gatsby now has built-in support for modifying the document head. Learn more at
https://gatsby.dev/gatsby-head6:30:37 PM: success onPreInit - 0.004s
6:30:37 PM: success delete worker cache from previous builds - 0.002s
6:30:37 PM: success initialize cache - 0.023s
6:30:37 PM: success copy gatsby files - 0.041s
6:30:37 PM: success Compiling Gatsby Functions - 0.154s
6:30:37 PM: success onPreBootstrap - 0.164s
6:30:37 PM: verbose 4.905995139 Creating 15 worker
6:30:37 PM: success createSchemaCustomization - 0.017s
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.503303422 Checking for stale SitePlugin nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.506815335 Checking for stale Site nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.508340925 Checking for stale SiteBuildMetadata nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.508541452 Checking for stale Directory nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.530540512 Checking for stale File nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.623205052 Checking for stale ImageSharp nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.664816663 Checking for stale Json nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.722056448 Checking for stale Video nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.7354755 Checking for stale CoverImage nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.766487367 Checking for stale Contribution nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.802521724 Checking for stale Challenge nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.811797033 Checking for stale Chapter nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.812210973 Checking for stale Track nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.812518107 Checking for stale TracksOrder nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.812587104 Checking for stale Mdx nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.812959504 Checking for stale Guide nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.81329166 Checking for stale GuidesPageInfo nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.813356822 Checking for stale HomepageInfo nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.813544961 Checking for stale TracksPageInfo nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.813614446 Checking for stale ChallengesPageInfo nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.813668231 Checking for stale ShowcasePageInfo nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.813705176 Checking for stale FAQ nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.813937588 Checking for stale FAQSection nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.814000027 Checking for stale FAQPage nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.814116366 Checking for stale AboutPageInfo nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.814368452 Checking for stale NotFoundInfo nodes
6:30:47 PM: verbose 14.814442251 Checking for stale SitePage nodes
6:30:50 PM: success Clean up stale nodes - 3.370s - 13909/0 0.00/s
6:30:50 PM: verbose 17.873468008 Checking for deleted pages
6:30:50 PM: verbose 17.877045629 Deleted 0 pages
6:30:50 PM: verbose 17.877129341 Found 0 changed pages
6:30:50 PM: success Checking for changed pages - 0.004s
6:30:50 PM: success source and transform nodes - 12.840s
6:30:50 PM: info Writing GraphQL type definitions to /opt/build/repo/.cache/schema.gql
6:30:51 PM: success building schema - 0.574s
6:31:19 PM: success createPages - 28.053s
6:31:19 PM: success createPagesStatefully - 0.047s
6:31:19 PM: info Total nodes: 29961, SitePage nodes: 13910 (use --verbose for breakdown)
6:31:19 PM: verbose 46.553399226 Number of node types: 27. Nodes per type: AboutPageInfo: 1, Challenge: 191, ChallengesPageInfo: 1, Chapter: 39, Contribution: 1859, CoverImage: 2505, Directory: 1104, FAQ: 21, FAQPage: 1, FAQSection: 4, File: 5071, Guide: 6, GuidesPageInfo: 1, HomepageInfo: 1, ImageSharp: 2511, Json: 2376, Mdx: 6, NotFoundInfo: 1, ShowcasePageInfo: 1, Site: 1, SiteBuildMetadata: 1, SitePage: 13910, SitePlugin: 51, Track: 29, TracksOrder: 1, TracksPageInfo: 1, Video: 267
6:31:19 PM: verbose 46.553443235 Checking for deleted pages
6:31:19 PM: verbose 46.555995076 Deleted 0 pages
6:31:19 PM: verbose 46.626520589 Found 1 changed page
6:31:19 PM: success Checking for changed pages - 0.071s
6:31:19 PM: success Cleaning up stale page-data - 0.113s
6:31:19 PM: success onPreExtractQueries - 0.000s
6:31:23 PM: success extract queries from components - 3.903s
6:31:23 PM: success write out redirect data - 0.002s
6:31:23 PM: success onPostBootstrap - 0.004s
6:31:23 PM: info bootstrap finished - 50.660s
6:31:23 PM: success write out requires - 0.009s
6:31:23 PM: warning Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
6:31:23 PM: npx update-browserslist-db@latest
6:31:24 PM: success Building production JavaScript and CSS bundles - 1.366s
6:31:29 PM: success Building HTML renderer - 4.319s
6:31:29 PM: success Execute page configs - 0.035s
6:31:29 PM: success Caching Webpack compilations - 0.000s
6:31:37 PM: success run queries in workers - 8.106s - 1790/1790 220.83/s
6:31:37 PM: success Running gatsby-plugin-sharp.IMAGE_PROCESSING jobs - 3.316s - 2/2 0.60/s
6:31:37 PM: success Merge worker state - 0.053s
6:31:37 PM: success run slice queries - 0.002s - 2/2 840.90/s
6:31:37 PM: success Writing page-data.json and slice-data.json files to public directory - 0.046s - 76/76 1641.92/s
6:31:42 PM: success Building static HTML for pages - 4.006s - 76/76 18.97/s
6:31:42 PM: info There are no new or changed slice html files to build.
6:31:42 PM: success stitching slices - 0.147s
6:31:42 PM: warning [gatsby-plugin-netlify] Your site has 13910 pages, which means that the generated headers file could become very large. Consider disabling "mergeCachingHeaders" in your plugin config
6:31:42 PM: info [gatsby-plugin-netlify] Creating SSR/DSG redirects...
6:31:42 PM: info [gatsby-plugin-netlify] Created 0 SSR/DSG redirects...
6:31:42 PM: success onPostBuild - 0.009s
6:31:42 PM: ┌ src/templates/track-video.js
6:31:42 PM: │ ├ /tracks/code-programming-with-p5-js
6:31:42 PM: │ └ ...386 more pages available
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/templates/tracks.js
6:31:42 PM: │ └ ...6300 more pages available
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/templates/challenge.js
6:31:42 PM: │ ├ /challenges/1-starfield
6:31:42 PM: │ └ ...190 more pages available
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/templates/challenges.js
6:31:42 PM: │ ├ /challenges
6:31:42 PM: │ └ ...5861 more pages available
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/templates/guide.js
6:31:42 PM: │ ├ /guides/content-structure-guide
6:31:42 PM: │ └ ...5 more pages available
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/templates/showcases.js
6:31:42 PM: │ ├ /showcase
6:31:42 PM: │ └ ...1154 more pages available
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/pages/404.js
6:31:42 PM: │ └ /404.html
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/pages/about.js
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/pages/components.js
6:31:42 PM: │ └ /components
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/pages/faq.js
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/pages/guides.js
6:31:42 PM: ├ src/pages/index.js
6:31:42 PM: └ src/pages/routes.js
6:31:42 PM: ┌ src/components/TopBar.js
6:31:42 PM: └ src/components/Footer.js
6:31:42 PM: ╭────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
6:31:42 PM: │ (SSG) Generated at build time │
6:31:42 PM: │ D (DSG) Deferred static generation - page generated at runtime │
6:31:42 PM: │ ∞ (SSR) Server-side renders at runtime (uses getServerData) │
6:31:42 PM: │ λ (Function) Gatsby function │
6:31:42 PM: ╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
6:31:42 PM: info Done building in 70.240204664 sec
6:31:43 PM: (build.command completed in 1m 11.2s)
6:31:43 PM: Skipping Gatsby Functions and SSR/DSG support
6:31:43 PM: Skipping Gatsby Functions and SSR/DSG support
6:31:43 PM: Functions bundling
6:31:43 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
6:31:43 PM: Packaging Functions from netlify/functions directory:
6:31:43 PM: - submission-background.js
6:31:43 PM: - submission-sync.js
6:31:44 PM: (Functions bundling completed in 1.4s)
6:31:44 PM: Edge Functions bundling
6:31:44 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
6:31:44 PM: Packaging Edge Functions from netlify/edge-functions directory:
6:31:44 PM: (Edge Functions bundling completed in 495ms)
6:31:44 PM: Skipping Gatsby Functions and SSR/DSG support
6:31:44 PM: Skipping Gatsby Functions and SSR/DSG support
6:31:44 PM: Skipping Gatsby Functions and SSR/DSG support
6:32:26 PM: (Netlify Build completed in 1m 56.9s)
6:32:26 PM: Section completed: building
6:34:27 PM: Finished processing build request in 4m43.182s