12:12:50 PM: Netlify Build
12:12:50 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
12:12:50 PM: @netlify/build 29.59.2
12:12:50 PM: accountId: 595fccb76f4c5019236cda4d
12:12:50 PM: baseRelDir: true
12:12:50 PM: buildId: 67d8118784e2f000087dfb46
12:12:50 PM: deployId: 67d8118784e2f000087dfb48
12:12:50 PM: ❯ Current directory
12:12:50 PM: /opt/build/repo
12:12:50 PM: ❯ Config file
12:12:50 PM: /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml
12:12:50 PM: build.command from netlify.toml
12:12:50 PM: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
12:12:50 PM: hack/make-docs.sh
12:12:51 PM: WARNING - Config value 'plugins': Plugin 'macros' option 'j2_line_comment_prefix': Unrecognised configuration name: j2_line_comment_prefix
12:12:51 PM: INFO - [macros] - No default module `main` found
12:12:51 PM: INFO - [macros] - Includes directory: examples
12:12:51 PM: INFO - [macros] - Found j2 variable 'line_comment_prefix': '#$'
12:12:51 PM: INFO - MERMAID2 - Initialization arguments: {}
12:12:51 PM: INFO - MERMAID2 - Using javascript library (10.4.0):
12:12:51 PM: INFO - [macros] - Config variables: ['extra', 'config', 'environment', 'plugin', 'git', 'trademark', 'macros', 'filters', 'filters_builtin']
12:12:51 PM: INFO - [macros] - Config macros: ['context', 'macros_info', 'now', 'fix_url']
12:12:51 PM: INFO - [macros] - Config filters: ['pretty', 'relative_url']
12:12:51 PM: INFO - Cleaning site directory
12:12:51 PM: INFO - Building documentation to directory: /opt/build/repo/site
12:12:51 PM: INFO - adding geps
12:12:51 PM: INFO - generating conformance
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'index.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma#gateway-api-for-mesh', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'index.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/service-facets', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'index.md' contains an absolute link '/contributing/community', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'index.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'index.md' contains an absolute link '/contributing/community', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'faq.md' contains an absolute link '/contributing/community', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'implementations.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'implementations.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'implementations.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'implementations.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'implementations.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'implementations.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/backendtlspolicy.md' contains an absolute link '/references/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha3.BackendTLSPolicy', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/backendtlspolicy.md' contains an absolute link '/references/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha3.BackendTLSPolicy', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/backendtlspolicy.md' contains an absolute link '/references/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.PolicyTargetReference', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/backendtlspolicy.md' contains an absolute link '/references/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha3.BackendTLSPolicy.Validation', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/backendtlspolicy.md' contains an absolute link '/references/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.PreciseHostname', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/backendtlspolicy.md' contains an absolute link '/references/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha3.BackendTLSPolicyValidation.CACertificateRefs', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/backendtlspolicy.md' contains an absolute link '/references/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha3.BackendTLSPolicyValidation.WellKnownCACertificates', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2021/introducing-v1alpha2.md' contains an absolute link '/contributing/community', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2022/graduating-to-beta.md' contains an absolute link '/guides/getting-started/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2022/graduating-to-beta.md' contains an absolute link '/guides/getting-started/#install-the-crds', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2022/graduating-to-beta.md' contains an absolute link '/contributing/community/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2022/graduating-to-beta.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2022/graduating-to-beta.md' contains an absolute link '/v1beta1/contributing/gep/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2022/graduating-to-beta.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2022/graduating-to-beta.md' contains an absolute link '/contributing/community/#meetings', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2023/0829-mesh-support.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2023/0829-mesh-support.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/#how-the-gateway-api-works-for-service-mesh', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2023/0829-mesh-support.md' contains an absolute link '/geps/gep-1426/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2023/0829-mesh-support.md' contains an absolute link '/guides/getting-started/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2023/0829-mesh-support.md' contains an absolute link '/contributing/community/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2023/0829-mesh-support.md' contains an absolute link '/geps/gep-1426/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'concepts/api-overview.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma#gateway-api-for-mesh', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'concepts/use-cases.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'concepts/use-cases.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/migrating-from-ingress.md' contains an absolute link '/guides/api-design/#conflicts', it was left as is. Did you mean 'api-design.md#conflicts'?
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/multiple-ns.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/guidelines#conflicts', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'mesh/index.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/service-facets', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'mesh/gamma.md' contains an absolute link '/contributing/community/#meetings', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'mesh/service-facets.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'mesh/service-facets.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/', it was left as is.
12:12:52 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1686/index.md' contains an absolute link '/geps/gep-1426/', it was left as is.
12:12:53 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-91/index.md' contains an absolute link '/references/spec/#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GatewayTLSConfig', it was left as is.
12:12:53 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-2722/index.md' contains an absolute link '/concepts/gamma/#how-the-gateway-api-works-for-service-mesh', it was left as is.
12:12:53 PM: INFO - MERMAID2 - Found superfences config: {'custom_fences': [{'name': 'mermaid', 'class': 'mermaid', 'format': <function fence_code_format at 0x7f18944dd6c0>}]}
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'implementations.md' contains a link 'concepts/versioning.md#release-channels-eg-experimental-standard', but the doc 'concepts/versioning.md' does not contain an anchor '#release-channels-eg-experimental-standard'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/gatewayclass.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GatewayClass', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GatewayClass'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/grpcroute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GRPCRoute', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GRPCRoute'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/grpcroute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.ParentRef', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.ParentRef'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/grpcroute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Hostname', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Hostname'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/grpcroute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GRPCRouteRule', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GRPCRouteRule'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/grpcroute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GRPCRouteMatch', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GRPCRouteMatch'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/grpcroute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GRPCRouteFilter', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GRPCRouteFilter'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/grpcroute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GRPCBackendRef', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GRPCBackendRef'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/grpcroute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.SectionName', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.SectionName'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/grpcroute.md' contains a link '../geps/gep-2648/index.md#apply-policies-to-sections-of-a-resource', but the doc 'geps/gep-2648/index.md' does not contain an anchor '#apply-policies-to-sections-of-a-resource'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/httproute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRoute', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRoute'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/httproute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.ParentRef', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.ParentRef'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/httproute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Hostname', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Hostname'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/httproute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteRule', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteRule'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/httproute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteMatch', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteMatch'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/httproute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteFilter', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteFilter'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/httproute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPBackendRef', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPBackendRef'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/httproute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteTimeouts', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteTimeouts'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/httproute.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.SectionName', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.SectionName'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/httproute.md' contains a link '../geps/gep-2648/index.md#apply-policies-to-sections-of-a-resource', but the doc 'geps/gep-2648/index.md' does not contain an anchor '#apply-policies-to-sections-of-a-resource'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'api-types/referencegrant.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.ReferenceGrant', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.ReferenceGrant'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/index.md' contains a link '../geps/overview.md#status', but the doc 'geps/overview.md' does not contain an anchor '#status'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2022/graduating-to-beta.md' contains a link '../../concepts/versioning.md#release-channels-eg-experimental-standard', but the doc 'concepts/versioning.md' does not contain an anchor '#release-channels-eg-experimental-standard'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2023/0829-mesh-support.md' contains a link '../../geps/overview.md#status', but the doc 'geps/overview.md' does not contain an anchor '#status'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'blog/2023/0829-mesh-support.md' contains a link '../../concepts/versioning.md#release-channels-eg-experimental-standard', but the doc 'concepts/versioning.md' does not contain an anchor '#release-channels-eg-experimental-standard'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'concepts/api-overview.md' contains a link 'versioning.md#adding-experimental-fields', but the doc 'concepts/versioning.md' does not contain an anchor '#adding-experimental-fields'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'concepts/use-cases.md' contains a link 'roles-and-personas.md#chihiro', but the doc 'concepts/roles-and-personas.md' does not contain an anchor '#chihiro'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/crd-management.md' contains a link '../concepts/versioning.md#release-channels-eg-experimental-standard', but the doc 'concepts/versioning.md' does not contain an anchor '#release-channels-eg-experimental-standard'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/grpc-routing.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Gateway', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Gateway'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/grpc-routing.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io%2fv1alpha2.GRPCRouteSpec', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io%2fv1alpha2.GRPCRouteSpec'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/http-redirect-rewrite.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRequestRedirectFilter', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRequestRedirectFilter'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/http-redirect-rewrite.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPURLRewriteFilter', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPURLRewriteFilter'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/http-routing.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Gateway', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Gateway'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/http-routing.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteSpec', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteSpec'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/infrastructure.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GatewayInfrastructure', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GatewayInfrastructure'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/migrating-from-ingress.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteFilter', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteFilter'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/migrating-from-ingress.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.BackendObjectReference', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.BackendObjectReference'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/migrating-from-ingress.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.SecretObjectReference', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.SecretObjectReference'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/migrating-from-ingress.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPPathMatch', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPPathMatch'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/migrating-from-ingress.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Listener', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Listener'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/migrating-from-ingress.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteRule', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteRule'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/migrating-from-ingress.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Hostname', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Hostname'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/migrating-from-ingress.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteSpec', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteSpec'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/migrating-from-ingress.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.ParentRef', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.ParentRef'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/multiple-ns.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteRule', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteRule'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/tcp.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.TCPRoute', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.TCPRoute'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/tcp.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.Gateway', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.Gateway'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'guides/traffic-splitting.md' contains a link '../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteRule', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteRule'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1324/index.md' contains a link '../../concepts/versioning.md#experimental-standard', but the doc 'concepts/versioning.md' does not contain an anchor '#experimental-standard'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1364/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io%2fv1beta1.HTTPRequestRedirectFilter', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io%2fv1beta1.HTTPRequestRedirectFilter'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1619/index.md' contains a link '#BackendLBPolicy-api', but there is no such anchor on this page.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1619/index.md' contains a link '#Implementations', but there is no such anchor on this page.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1619/index.md' contains a link '#route-attachment-future-work', but there is no such anchor on this page.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1619/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io%2fv1.BackendObjectReference', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io%2fv1.BackendObjectReference'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1709/index.md' contains a link '#certification', but there is no such anchor on this page.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1867/index.md' contains a link '../../index.md#what-is-the-gateway-api', but the doc 'index.md' does not contain an anchor '#what-is-the-gateway-api'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1897/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.TCPRoute', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.TCPRoute'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1897/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.GRPCRoute', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.GRPCRoute'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1897/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/policy-attachment.md#direct-policy-attachment', but the doc 'reference/policy-attachment.md' does not contain an anchor '#direct-policy-attachment'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-995/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.GRPCRouteRule', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.GRPCRouteRule'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-995/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteRule', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteRule'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-995/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.TCPRouteRule', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.TCPRouteRule'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-995/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.TLSRouteRule', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.TLSRouteRule'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-995/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.UDPRouteRule', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1alpha2.UDPRouteRule'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-995/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GatewaySpec', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GatewaySpec'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-995/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteSpec', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteSpec'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-995/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Listener', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.Listener'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-995/index.md' contains a link '../gep-2648/index.md#apply-policies-to-sections-of-a-resource', but the doc 'geps/gep-2648/index.md' does not contain an anchor '#apply-policies-to-sections-of-a-resource'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1731/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteFilter', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteFilter'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1731/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteTimeouts', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteTimeouts'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1294/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io%2fv1beta1.HTTPHeaderMatch', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io%2fv1beta1.HTTPHeaderMatch'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1294/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.CommonRouteSpec', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.CommonRouteSpec'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1294/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteSpec', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteSpec'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1294/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.ParentReference', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.ParentReference'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-1294/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteMatch', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRouteMatch'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-3567/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRoute', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.HTTPRoute'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Doc file 'geps/gep-3567/index.md' contains a link '../../reference/spec.md#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GatewayTLSConfig', but the doc 'reference/spec.md' does not contain an anchor '#gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1.GatewayTLSConfig'.
12:12:54 PM: INFO - Documentation built in 3.18 seconds
12:12:54 PM: I0317 12:12:54.990968 6107 main.go:129] parsing go packages in directory sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/apis/
12:12:57 PM: I0317 12:12:57.453117 6107 main.go:231] using package=sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/apis/v1
12:12:57 PM: I0317 12:12:57.453137 6107 main.go:231] using package=sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/apis/v1alpha2
12:12:57 PM: I0317 12:12:57.453140 6107 main.go:231] using package=sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/apis/v1alpha3
12:12:57 PM: I0317 12:12:57.453143 6107 main.go:231] using package=sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/apis/v1beta1
12:12:57 PM: I0317 12:12:57.506004 6107 main.go:167] written to site/spec.html
12:12:57 PM: (build.command completed in 6.5s)
12:12:57 PM: (Netlify Build completed in 7s)
12:12:59 PM: Section completed: building
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