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Deploy details

Deploy successful for yunpengn-blog

Bump hexo-renderer-marked from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0

PR #50: dependabot/npm_and_yarn/hexo-renderer-marked-3.1.0@c1ac7a1

Deploy log

7:20:40 PM: Waiting for other deploys from your team to complete
7:24:45 PM: Build ready to start
7:24:48 PM: build-image version: b0258b965567defc4a2d7e2f2dec2e00c8f73ad6
7:24:48 PM: build-image tag: v3.4.1
7:24:48 PM: buildbot version: fcbc7a79f7372e5995cf02954ef19fc48d20c871
7:24:48 PM: Fetching cached dependencies
7:24:48 PM: Failed to fetch cache, continuing with build
7:24:48 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
7:24:48 PM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
7:24:48 PM: git clone
7:24:49 PM: Preparing Git Reference pull/50/head
7:24:52 PM: Starting build script
7:24:52 PM: Installing dependencies
7:24:52 PM: Python version set to 2.7
7:24:53 PM: Attempting node version 'node' from .nvmrc
7:24:55 PM: Downloading and installing node v14.8.0...
7:24:56 PM: Computing checksum with sha256sum
7:24:56 PM: Checksums matched!
7:25:00 PM: Now using node v14.8.0 (npm v6.14.7)
7:25:00 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins
7:25:00 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins
7:25:00 PM: Attempting ruby version 2.3.6, read from environment
7:25:01 PM:
7:25:01 PM: ** WARNING **
7:25:01 PM: Using custom ruby version 2.3.6, this will slow down the build.
7:25:01 PM: To ensure fast builds, set the RUBY_VERSION environment variable, or .ruby-version file, to an included ruby version.
7:25:01 PM: Included versions: 2.7.1 2.6.2
7:25:01 PM:
7:25:01 PM: Required ruby-2.3.6 is not installed - installing.
7:25:02 PM: Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time.
7:25:02 PM: Checking requirements for ubuntu.
7:25:03 PM: Requirements installation successful.
7:25:03 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #configure
7:25:03 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #download
7:25:04 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #validate archive
7:25:17 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #extract
7:25:23 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #validate binary
7:25:24 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #setup
7:25:24 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #gemset created /opt/buildhome/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.6@global
7:25:27 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #importing gemset /opt/buildhome/.rvm/gemsets/global.gems............................................................
7:25:27 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #generating global wrappers.......
7:25:27 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #gemset created /opt/buildhome/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.6
7:25:27 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #importing gemsetfile /opt/buildhome/.rvm/gemsets/default.gems evaluated to empty gem list
7:25:27 PM: ruby-2.3.6 - #generating default wrappers.......
7:25:28 PM: Using /opt/buildhome/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.6
7:25:28 PM: Using ruby version 2.3.6
7:25:29 PM: Using PHP version 5.6
7:25:29 PM: 5.2 is already installed.
7:25:29 PM: Using Swift version 5.2
7:25:29 PM: Started restoring cached node modules
7:25:29 PM: Finished restoring cached node modules
7:25:29 PM: Installing NPM modules using NPM version 6.14.7
7:25:42 PM: > gifsicle@4.0.1 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/gifsicle
7:25:42 PM: > node lib/install.js
7:25:42 PM: ✔ gifsicle pre-build test passed successfully
7:25:43 PM: > jpegtran-bin@4.0.0 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/jpegtran-bin
7:25:43 PM: > node lib/install.js
7:25:43 PM: ✔ jpegtran pre-build test passed successfully
7:25:43 PM: > mozjpeg@6.0.1 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/mozjpeg
7:25:43 PM: > node lib/install.js
7:25:44 PM: ✔ mozjpeg pre-build test passed successfully
7:25:44 PM: > optipng-bin@5.1.0 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/optipng-bin
7:25:44 PM: > node lib/install.js
7:25:44 PM: ✔ optipng pre-build test passed successfully
7:25:44 PM: > pngquant-bin@5.0.2 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/pngquant-bin
7:25:44 PM: > node lib/install.js
7:25:45 PM: ✔ pngquant pre-build test passed successfully
7:25:45 PM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.3 (node_modules/fsevents):
7:25:45 PM: npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.3: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
7:25:45 PM: added 699 packages from 606 contributors and audited 700 packages in 15.326s
7:25:45 PM: 26 packages are looking for funding
7:25:45 PM: run `npm fund` for details
7:25:45 PM: found 1 low severity vulnerability
7:25:45 PM: run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
7:25:46 PM: NPM modules installed
7:25:46 PM: Started restoring cached go cache
7:25:46 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache
7:25:46 PM: Installing Go version 1.10
7:25:55 PM: unset GOOS;
7:25:55 PM: unset GOARCH;
7:25:55 PM: export GOROOT='/opt/buildhome/.gimme_cache/versions/go1.10.linux.amd64';
7:25:55 PM: export PATH="/opt/buildhome/.gimme_cache/versions/go1.10.linux.amd64/bin:${PATH}";
7:25:55 PM: go version >&2;
7:25:55 PM: export GIMME_ENV="/opt/buildhome/.gimme_cache/env/go1.10.linux.amd64.env"
7:25:55 PM: go version go1.10 linux/amd64
7:25:55 PM: Installing missing commands
7:25:55 PM: Verify run directory
7:25:56 PM: ​
7:25:56 PM: ┌─────────────────────────────┐
7:25:56 PM: │ Netlify Build │
7:25:56 PM: └─────────────────────────────┘
7:25:56 PM: ​
7:25:56 PM: ❯ Version
7:25:56 PM: @netlify/build 3.3.0
7:25:56 PM: ​
7:25:56 PM: ❯ Flags
7:25:56 PM: deployId: 5f42c188c902ba0007d2d74a
7:25:56 PM: mode: buildbot
7:25:56 PM: ​
7:25:56 PM: ❯ Current directory
7:25:56 PM: /opt/build/repo
7:25:56 PM: ​
7:25:56 PM: ❯ Config file
7:25:56 PM: /opt/build/repo/netlify.toml
7:25:56 PM: ​
7:25:56 PM: ❯ Context
7:25:56 PM: deploy-preview
7:25:56 PM: ​
7:25:56 PM: ┌────────────────────────────────────┐
7:25:56 PM: │ 1. build.command from netlify.toml │
7:25:56 PM: └────────────────────────────────────┘
7:25:56 PM: ​
7:25:56 PM: $ hexo clean && hexo generate --config _config_netlify.yml
7:25:57 PM: INFO Validating config
7:25:57 PM: WARN Deprecated config detected: "external_link" with a Boolean value is deprecated. See for more details.
7:25:58 PM: INFO Validating config
7:25:58 PM: WARN Deprecated config detected: "external_link" with a Boolean value is deprecated. See for more details.
7:25:59 PM: INFO Start processing
7:26:00 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/algolia_logo.svg [ 0.61% saved]
7:26:00 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/cc-by-nc-nd.svg [ 67.07% saved]
7:26:00 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/cc-by-nc-sa.svg [ 66.35% saved]
7:26:00 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/cc-by-nc.svg [ 67.80% saved]
7:26:00 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/cc-by-nd.svg [ 67.57% saved]
7:26:00 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/cc-by-sa.svg [ 67.16% saved]
7:26:00 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/cc-by.svg [ 69.03% saved]
7:26:00 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/cc-zero.svg [ 33.52% saved]
7:26:00 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/logo.svg [ 73.07% saved]
7:26:00 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg [ 18.93% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/avatar.gif [ 0.45% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_antijoin.png [ 71.06% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/favicon/favicon-32x32.png [ 21.74% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/apple-touch-icon-next.png [ 12.31% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/favicon/favicon-16x16.png [ 33.68% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/favicon-16x16-next.png [ 34.48% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/favicon-32x32-next.png [ 23.75% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/favicon/android-chrome-192x192.png [ 22.73% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/avatar_cropped.jpg [ 2.01% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/duplicate-videos.jpg [ 43.60% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_TBA.png [ 68.73% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_canonical_abstraction.png [ 74.29% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_tree.jpg [ 16.87% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/avatar.jpg [ 44.57% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/memory_hierarchy.jpg [ 26.92% saved]
7:26:04 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/favicon/mstile-150x150.png [ 23.05% saved]
7:26:05 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png [ 16.24% saved]
7:26:06 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_compensation_commutative.png [ 64.65% saved]
7:26:07 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_asscom.png [ 61.91% saved]
7:26:07 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_CD_B.png [ 64.60% saved]
7:26:08 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/redis_mysql_hierarchy.png [ 35.86% saved]
7:26:10 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_CD_A.png [ 64.03% saved]
7:26:11 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/cache_aside_2.png [ 31.79% saved]
7:26:12 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_ECA_rules.png [ 58.56% saved]
7:26:15 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/favicon/android-chrome-512x512.png [ 14.11% saved]
7:26:17 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/cache_aside_1.png [ 31.59% saved]
7:26:18 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_CD_C.png [ 64.75% saved]
7:26:19 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_dp_algo.png [ 60.21% saved]
7:26:19 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/join_order_gamma.png [ 57.87% saved]
7:26:20 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/ram_cost.png [ 30.02% saved]
7:26:21 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/road_sky.jpg [ 24.62% saved]
7:26:22 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/favicon/origin.png [ 15.27% saved]
7:26:23 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/aws_cert.png [ 23.99% saved]
7:26:25 PM: INFO update Optimize IMG: images/aws_cert_guide.png [ 36.95% saved]
7:26:25 PM: INFO Files loaded in 26 s
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/index.html [ 14.05% saved]
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: about/index.html [ 13.89% saved]
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2019/07/21/near-duplicate-video/index.html [ 11.91% saved]
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2019/06/18/re-understand-javascript/index.html [ 11.61% saved]
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2019/06/15/aws-certificate-guide/index.html [ 11.92% saved]
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2019/05/04/consistent-redis-sql/index.html [ 7.06% saved]
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2019/02/06/how-query-optimizer-works/index.html [ 7.14% saved]
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2019/01/20/understanding-database-storage/index.html [ 10.99% saved]
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2019/01/05/relational-operators/index.html [ 7.86% saved]
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2018/12/22/literature-review-join-reorder/index.html [ 6.88% saved]
7:26:26 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2018/07/27/redis-cluster-partition/index.html [ 10.46% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2018/04/29/select-web-tech-stack/index.html [ 11.03% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2018/04/11/blog-with-hexo/index.html [ 12.27% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: 2017/10/13/hello-world/index.html [ 12.58% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/index.html [ 18.09% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/page/2/index.html [ 15.79% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2017/index.html [ 15.54% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2017/10/index.html [ 15.53% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2018/index.html [ 16.66% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2018/04/index.html [ 15.94% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2018/07/index.html [ 15.45% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2018/12/index.html [ 15.47% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2019/index.html [ 17.59% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2019/01/index.html [ 15.89% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2019/02/index.html [ 15.49% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2019/05/index.html [ 15.47% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2019/06/index.html [ 15.93% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: archives/2019/07/index.html [ 15.48% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: index.html [ 17.48% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: page/2/index.html [ 17.55% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: page/3/index.html [ 15.99% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/Technical/index.html [ 18.13% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/Technical/page/2/index.html [ 15.36% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/Technical/Database/index.html [ 17.32% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/Technical/Cloud/index.html [ 15.59% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/Miscellaneous/index.html [ 15.63% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/Technical/Blog/index.html [ 15.63% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/Technical/Algorithms/index.html [ 15.57% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/Technical/Web/index.html [ 16.06% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/Technical/Database/SQL/index.html [ 16.73% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO update Optimize HTML: categories/Technical/Database/Redis/index.html [ 15.97% saved]
7:26:27 PM: INFO Generated: images/algolia_logo.svg
7:26:27 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon/android-chrome-192x192.png
7:26:28 PM: INFO Update Optimize CSS: /opt/build/repo/themes/next/source/css/main.styl [ 17.79% saved]
7:26:28 PM: INFO update Optimize JS: /opt/build/repo/themes/next/source/js/algolia-search.js [ 35.80% saved]
7:26:28 PM: INFO update Optimize JS: /opt/build/repo/themes/next/source/js/bookmark.js [ 50.15% saved]
7:26:29 PM: INFO update Optimize JS: /opt/build/repo/themes/next/source/js/local-search.js [ 57.12% saved]
7:26:29 PM: INFO update Optimize JS: /opt/build/repo/themes/next/source/js/motion.js [ 47.10% saved]
7:26:29 PM: INFO update Optimize JS: /opt/build/repo/themes/next/source/js/next-boot.js [ 37.97% saved]
7:26:29 PM: INFO update Optimize JS: /opt/build/repo/themes/next/source/js/utils.js [ 44.60% saved]
7:26:29 PM: INFO update Optimize JS: /opt/build/repo/themes/next/source/js/schemes/muse.js [ 35.05% saved]
7:26:29 PM: INFO update Optimize JS: /opt/build/repo/themes/next/source/js/schemes/pisces.js [ 38.30% saved]
7:26:29 PM: (node:3899) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'lineno' of module exports inside circular dependency
7:26:29 PM: (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
7:26:29 PM: (node:3899) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'column' of module exports inside circular dependency
7:26:29 PM: (node:3899) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'filename' of module exports inside circular dependency
7:26:29 PM: (node:3899) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'lineno' of module exports inside circular dependency
7:26:29 PM: (node:3899) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'column' of module exports inside circular dependency
7:26:29 PM: (node:3899) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'filename' of module exports inside circular dependency
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/apple-touch-icon-next.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/cc-by-nc-nd.svg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/avatar.gif
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/cc-by-nc-sa.svg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/cc-by-nc.svg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/cc-by-nd.svg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/cc-by-sa.svg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/cc-zero.svg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon-16x16-next.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/cc-by.svg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon-32x32-next.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/logo.svg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_TBA.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_antijoin.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_canonical_abstraction.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_compensation_commutative.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/redis_mysql_hierarchy.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon/favicon-16x16.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon/favicon-32x32.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon/mstile-150x150.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: sitemap.xml
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: about/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2017/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2017/10/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2018/04/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2018/07/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2018/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2018/12/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2019/01/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2019/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2019/02/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2019/05/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2019/06/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/2019/07/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/Technical/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 404.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/Technical/Database/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/Technical/Cloud/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/Miscellaneous/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/Technical/Blog/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/Technical/Algorithms/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/Technical/Web/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/Technical/Database/SQL/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/Technical/Database/Redis/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/avatar_cropped.jpg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/cache_aside_1.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/cache_aside_2.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/duplicate-videos.jpg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_asscom.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: atom.xml
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_CD_A.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_CD_B.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_tree.jpg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon/android-chrome-512x512.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: archives/page/2/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: categories/Technical/page/2/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/avatar.jpg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_dp_algo.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/memory_hierarchy.jpg
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: page/2/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon/browserconfig.xml
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon/favicon.ico
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_ECA_rules.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_CD_C.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/ram_cost.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/favicon/origin.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: page/3/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: js/algolia-search.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: js/schemes/muse.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: lib/velocity/velocity.ui.min.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/join_order_gamma.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: js/bookmark.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: js/local-search.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: js/motion.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: js/next-boot.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: js/schemes/pisces.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: js/utils.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: css/main.css
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: lib/font-awesome/webfonts/fa-regular-400.woff2
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2019/07/21/near-duplicate-video/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2017/10/13/hello-world/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: lib/anime.min.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2018/12/22/literature-review-join-reorder/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2019/06/18/re-understand-javascript/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2019/01/20/understanding-database-storage/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2018/07/27/redis-cluster-partition/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2018/04/29/select-web-tech-stack/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2019/02/06/how-query-optimizer-works/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2019/05/04/consistent-redis-sql/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2019/06/15/aws-certificate-guide/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2019/01/05/relational-operators/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: 2018/04/11/blog-with-hexo/index.html
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: lib/velocity/velocity.min.js
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/aws_cert.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: lib/font-awesome/css/all.min.css
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/aws_cert_guide.png
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: lib/font-awesome/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: lib/font-awesome/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2
7:26:29 PM: INFO Generated: images/road_sky.jpg
7:26:29 PM: INFO 106 files generated in 3.86 s
7:26:29 PM: ​
7:26:29 PM: (build.command completed in 33s)
7:26:29 PM: ​
7:26:29 PM: ┌─────────────────────────────┐
7:26:29 PM: │ Netlify Build Complete │
7:26:29 PM: └─────────────────────────────┘
7:26:29 PM: ​
7:26:29 PM: (Netlify Build completed in 33s)
7:26:29 PM: Caching artifacts
7:26:29 PM: Started saving node modules
7:26:29 PM: Finished saving node modules
7:26:29 PM: Started saving build plugins
7:26:29 PM: Finished saving build plugins
7:26:29 PM: Started saving pip cache
7:26:29 PM: Finished saving pip cache
7:26:29 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
7:26:29 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
7:26:29 PM: Started saving maven dependencies
7:26:29 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies
7:26:29 PM: Started saving boot dependencies
7:26:29 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies
7:26:29 PM: Started saving go dependencies
7:26:31 PM: Finished saving go dependencies
7:26:36 PM: Cached ruby version 2.3.6
7:26:36 PM: Build script success
7:26:36 PM: Starting to deploy site from 'public'
7:26:36 PM: Creating deploy tree
7:26:36 PM: Creating deploy upload records
7:26:36 PM: 20 new files to upload
7:26:36 PM: 0 new functions to upload
7:26:37 PM: Starting post processing
7:26:37 PM: Post processing - HTML
7:26:40 PM: Post processing - header rules
7:26:40 PM: Post processing - redirect rules
7:26:40 PM: Post processing done
7:26:40 PM: Site is live
7:27:29 PM: Finished processing build request in 2m41.288708605s